Thinking Ahead
The best remedies begin with preparing your body for the binge (come on, everyone cool does it ;P). Eat a good, light meal before you drink (no pizza or other crap you can see yourself puking up later). On the contrary, if you don't eat before your drink, your body is more susceptible to the alcohol and can actually get you drunk faster. But that's not recommended if you want to avoid the hangover.
Drink lots of nonalcholic liquid before and during binging. You need to keep your body hydrated. Alcohol actually steals water from your body and you need to replace it (usually all of those piss breaks amount to more than your body is intaking).
Let's Get the Party Started has some useful tips for helping prevent the hangover while your drinking: have only when alcoholic drink per hour (yeah, that's going to happen), alternate each drink with nonalcoholic drinks (yeah . . . right), and don't drink cheap booze (oh, come on, we're college students). Click here for more information.
Most importantly, "Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, you're in the clear".
The Morning After
If that doesn't work, (don't worry I don't actually expect you to do all of those buzz killers), here are some cures: drink lots of water, no more alcohol, stay in bed, take aspirin, try to eat a small, light meal, and do not drink coffee.
As an alternative to the hangover cure there are some questionable recommendations. I don't now if they work but I have heard you can drink tomato juice with some lime, or even have the same drink you had the night before to balance your system (but I don't believe that). There are, supposedly, medicinal pills specifically for hangovers too.
Bottom of the Bottle
You can either get trashed off your ass and suffer a wicked hangover, or take it slow and have not so much fun.
Happy Drinking!